
アイルランド留学センター > 学校 > Dublin City University(DCU)

ダブリン シティ ユニバーシティDublin City University(DCU)


全校の生徒数 16,000名
受け入れ可能な英語レベル IELTS6.5
可能な滞在方法 学生寮
学校周辺の環境・アクセス ダブリン中心部からバスで30分、最寄りのバス停から徒歩5〜10分
公式サイトURL https://www.dcu.ie/
  • 学校情報
  • 1975年に設立され、1989年に大学として正式に認められた比較的新しい大学ですが、急成長を遂げており今アイルランドでもっとも勢いのある大学。日本の大学との提携も多く、日本でよく知られているアイルランドの大学の一つです。

  • 学部・取得可能な学位・コース一覧

    Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
    Bachelor of Education
    Bachelor of Religious Education and Music
    Bachelor of Education in Gaeilge and French or German or Spanish
    Bachelor of Religious Education and English
    Bachelor of Religious Education and History
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Education and Training

    Bachelor of Business Studies (Hons)
    Bachelor of Business Studies International (Hons)
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Global Business (France)
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Global Business (Spain)
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Global Business (Germany)
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Global Business (USA)
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Global Business (Canada)
    Bachelor of Science in Aviation Management
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accounting and Finance
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Marketing, Innovation and Technology

    Science and Health(化学健康学部)
    BSc in Applied Physics
    BSc in Physics with Astronomy
    BSc in Physics with Biomedical Sciences
    Common Entry into Actuarial and Financial Mathematics
    Common Entry into Science
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Actuarial Mathematics
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Financial Mathematics
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Analytical Science
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
    BSc in Environmental Science and Technology
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Genetics and Cell Biology
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biotechnology
    Bachelor of Science(Hons) in Sport Science and Health
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Athletic Therapy and Training
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physical Education with Biology
    Bachelor of Science in Physical Education with Mathematics
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Science Education
    BSc (Honours) in Psychology
    Bachelor of Science in Health and Society
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Nursing (General)
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Nursing (Mental Health)
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Nursing (Intellectual Disability)
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Children's and General Nursing (Integrated)
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Physics
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physics with Biomedical Sciences
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physics with Astronomy

    Engineering and Computing(工学・コンピューター学部)
    Common Entry into Engineering
    Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Computer Engineering
    Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Mechatronic Engineering
    Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Engineering
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Enterprise Computing
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computer Applications
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Data Science

    Humanities and Social Studies(人文科学・社会学部)
    Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
    Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies
    Bachelor of Arts in Law
    Bachelor of Arts in International Languages
    Bachelor of Arts in Politics
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Communication Studies
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Journalism
    Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Multimedia
    BA in Social Sciences and Cultural Innovation
    BA in Applied Language and Translation Studies
    Bachelor of Arts in Business and Irish
    Bachelor of Civil Law (Law and Society)
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in International Relations
    Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Economics, Politics and Law
    BA in Jazz and Contemporary Music Performance
    BA in Theology and Religious Studies
    Bachelor of Education in Gaeilge and French or German or Spanish


Dublin City University Glasnevin, Dublin 9, アイルランド

